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Chinese Ambassador Zhao Yanbo Meets with Director of the Campaign for Good Governance of Sierra Leone
2014-06-17 02:17

        On June 12, Chinese Ambassador Zhao Yanbo met with Mrs. Volnora Edwin, Director of the Campaign for Good Governance(CGG) of Sierra Leone.


        Mrs. Edwin briefed Ambassador Zhao on the aims, structure and activities of CGG. She stated that she got a deep understanding of the efforts made by China in promoting China-Africa people-to-people friendship after she attended the first and second China-Africa People's Forum. She expressed her willingness to strengthen cooperation with China and make positive contributions to the socio-economic development of Sierra Leone and China-Africa people-to-people friendship.

        Ambassador Zhao briefed Mrs. Edwin on the new initiatives of expanding China-Africa poverty reduction cooperations and people-to-people exchanges, made by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang during his visit to Africa. Ambassador Zhao spoke highly of the positive role played by CGG in the socio-economic development of Sierra Leone, and stated that the Chinese Embassy would like to strengthen cooperation with CGG on poverty reduction.

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