Recently, the government of Sierra Leone has carried out a series of joint enforcement actions against illegal gold mining. The Chinese embassy in Sierra Leone once again requests Chinese enterprises and citizens to fully comply with the Sierra Leonean laws and regulations in their production and operation activities, conscientiously protect the local ecological environment, actively undertake the corporate social responsibility and not engage in any illicit gold mining. Any gold mining activities in Sierra Leone are prohibited without licensing, nor polluting the environment as well as infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of any other mining companies. The Chinese embassy in Sierra Leone reminds Chinese enterprises and citizens that according to the Sierra Leone law of the Environment Agency Protection Act, 2008 and the Mines and Minerals Act, 2009, any gold mining activities in Sierra Leone should not go ahead without acquiring a EIA Report (Environmental Impact Assessment Report) and permit in the first place. Only after this can enterprises or companies apply legally for the mining license from the Ministry of Mines of Sierra Leone. Meanwhile, in accordance with the Registration System for Overseas Chinese Enterprises, the Chinese enterprises and citizens engaging in business activities are strictly required to report to Chinese embassy in Sierra Leone.